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The MBA Tour: Inside the GMAT Podcast

The MBA Tour oriented the previous paradigm of the personal tour into a completely online, interactive experience in the midst of the epidemic. You can speak directly with admissions professionals, current students, graduates, and other potential applicants at free events.

On the unique value of MBA Tour events.

MBA tours are an excellent way to learn about different business schools and determine which program best suits your future aspirations. There are few opportunities to compare and contrast the world’s finest business schools all in one place at the same time, and to speak with them in real time.

We have a number of business schools attending our events, and each of these business schools sends representatives who are full-time employees to ensure that they have the most interaction with current admissions decision-makers.

The MBA tournament is unique in that we thoroughly vet all of the business schools that attend our events, ensuring that you are meeting with the best recognized business schools. We have tour schools from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe, as well as significant schools from Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Africa with us. However, because education is a worldwide phenomenon, we always have global and local schools represented at our events, whether you desire to study in your city or region or overseas.

About the network of candidates during these virtual events.

“We established this virtual network lounge since our events are organized as conferences, and networking is often a vital element of a conference.” So you can come, ask your questions, comment on other candidates’ questions, or like a comment – it’s really participatory, like a social media wall.

You also hear a diversity of viewpoints on our events. Of course, admissions directors will be in charge and in the spotlight, but schools will also bring their graduate and current students to express their voices — truly another authentic perspective – and these will typically be graduates or students from the location where the event is taking place.

We also have admissions consultants, financial companies, and embassies—truly a wide mix of perspectives that will aid you in your business school journey… Candidates who met other candidates at our event and formed study groups to assist them prepare for the GMAT exam, for example, or with other areas of their application, have told me about it. So it’s a terrific way to electronically connect with prospects who are on the same path as you at the same time, which is very helpful at this point as a method to connect when you don’t have the opportunity to meet in person.”

On tips for your the MBA Tour event.

“First and foremost, I would recommend that candidates obtain the Candidate User Guide. It has a plethora of information to assist you in preparing for the big day… The User Guide will explain how to go to the event, how to create a profile, how to get support, and how to use all of the event’s features…

When it comes to creating a profile, one thing I will remind candidates to do is include a headshot. Your headshot is a terrific method to identify yourself—you’ve come to this event, and you want to show yourself to schools in the best light possible, so have a professional headshot…

Also, when attending an MBA Tour event, you should be camera ready, which means that you should expect to have your camera on so that you may network and speak with individuals face to face…. I believe a few recommendations that might help you is to jot down your questions on a post-it note and post it on your computer so that you can keep eye contact with the school while speaking with them, but you also have some of those tiny cheat sheets that you need.

Put your phone to the side; there’s nothing more awkward than someone in a conversation talking to you while you’re preoccupied, staring at your phone, or whatever… Give yourself plenty of time to devote to this event and this opportunity to speak with the school.

You’ll want to make sure you’re properly attired. “What should I wear to a virtual event?” is a question we’re frequently asked. Wearing business casual attire is a good idea.

Finally, you’re there to evaluate the school as much as the school is there to evaluate you, so please come prepared with any questions you may have, think about what you want to learn about the school, what you want to get out of the event for yourself, and what’s important to you, and you’ll get the most out of the event.

More episodes of Inside the GMAT

Inside the GMAT offers professionals who offer advice on taking the exam, preparing for it, and how to make the most of your graduate business school admission process. This bi-weekly presentation will provide you with information on everything you need to know about graduate business school. This podcast is for you if you want to learn more about the GMAT exam, graduate business school assessments, industry insights, and graduate business school success techniques.

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